How long will it take to see my thesis in the UF database?

How long will it take to see my thesis in the UF database?
I finally submit my honors thesis to the UF library. Thanks to some advisor delays, she granted a deadline extension. Now that I upload it, how long does it usually take to appear on the Smathers website? I want to see it and share it.


Unfortunately, the IR team cannot offer precise dates for when degree-requirement works a given class of graduate or undergraduate Honors students will be able to see their work online. For spring and summer terms, the works are usually online by six to eight weeks after the last graduation ceremonies for the term. For fall terms, we are sometimes able to create the digital items in late December, but, given the winter break, it is not unusual for them to go online in mid- to late January or even February. Many circumstances beyond our control can affect the process.


  • Last Updated Dec 19, 2024
  • Views 19
  • Answered By G.W. Swicord

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